
[스크랩] Drinking

명호경영컨설턴트 2008. 10. 10. 05:35



술 마시러 갈까?
Shall we go for a drink?

술 마시러 가자!
Let's go for a drink. /Let's go have a drink.

여기가 내 단골집이야.
Here is my hangout.

내가 여기 단골이야.
I'm a regular here.

건배 하자!
Let's toast. /Let's make a toast.

Cheers! /Here's to you. /To your health. /To life.

부어라 마시자!
Let's get drunk. /Party down! /Party hearty. /Party hardy.

Bottoms up. /Drink up.

술기운이 도네.
I catch some buzz.

마시고 죽자!
Let's drink all the way. /Let's go all the way.

마실만큼 마셨자나.
You had enough drinks already.

간에 기별도 안가.
That was a drop in the bucket. /That was a drop in the ocean.

폭탄주 먹을래?
You drink A-bombs,right?

2차 가자!
Let's go for another round! /Let's move another scenery.

여기 소주 두병이요.
Two bottles of So Ju here,please.

I'm drunken. /I'm buzzed.

나이드니깐 술도 많이 못 먹겠어.
I can't drink like a fish any more as I grow old.

한잔만 더해.
Just one more shot.

맛이 갔어.
I got smashed. /I got shit-faced. /I'm trashed.

더이상 술마실 기분 아니야.
I'm not in the mood to have a drink any more.

술 안깨 미치겠다.
I'm having a terrible hangover.

왜 그렇게 술을 많이 마셨냐?
Why did you have so much drink?

이렇게 술마시는거, 니 건강에 도움이 안돼.
Drinking like this doesn't do any good to your health.

술깨는 약 먹지 그래?
Why don't you take a hangover chaser?

해장술 한잔 할까?
Shall we drink an eye opener?

필림 끊겼어.
I got blacked out. /I got passed out.

나 술끊었어.
I'm on the wagon. /I quit drinking.

술 한방울도 못해.
I can't drink a drop even. /I don't touch alcohol.

그럼 한 모금만.
Ok, Just a sip.

출처 : 은혜(恩惠)
글쓴이 : 은혜 (恩惠) 원글보기
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