
[스크랩] 영어 면접 샘플 자료

명호경영컨설턴트 2008. 12. 28. 00:05

영어 면접 샘플 자료

1) 자기소개
Q1. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
Q2. Could you tell me about yourself?
Yes, sir. My name is Yang, Yun-Sook. I am 21years old and live in Hwagok-dong, Seoul. I come from a large family : there are my father, my mother and 2brothers and 3 sisters, My father is an engineer and he has been working for a company for 20years. My brothers and sisters are all students. I don't gret a chance to see my parents often, so I visit them only on the holidays. I am currently single and have no plans of getting married in the near future. My philosophy of life is living faithfully and doing my best in a anything. I mix and get along well with others.
My friends say that I am a very likeable person. I have studied hard to get the knowledge, skills and attitude needed for becoming a successful
stewardess. I applied for this job for two reasons.
My name is Park Sang-sook. I am a twenty - year - old sophomore college student. I live in Hwagok - dong, Seoul. I like to read and go to the movies. I also like sports, especially bowling. I can play the piano and speak English and Japanese well. I am fairly outgoing. I hope to get a job where I can travel and meet a lot of people.

2) 지원 동기
Q. Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
A. Because, I have guess much about this job since I was in high school.
And I think working, as a stewardess would give me the best opportunity
to use the knowledge I've studied in college.

<< 인적사항 >>
1. May I have your name and number, please?
Name and examination number, please? (이름과 응시번호)
2. When were you born? (생년월일)
3. Where were you born? (고향)
4. Where is your family from? (본적)
5. What is your present address? (주소)
6. How many are there in your family? How big is your family? (가족의 수)
7. What school did you graduate from? (출신학교)
8. Tell me a little bit about yourself, please. (자기소개)

<< 경력. 자격 >>
1. Do you have any licenses or other special qualifications?
(어떤 면허나 자격을 가지고 있습니까?)
2. Do you have any special skills? (특별한 기술이 있습니까?)
3. Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?
(별 어려움 없이 영어로 의사표현을 할 수 있습니까?)
4. Can you use computer? (컴퓨터를 사용할 줄 압니까?)

<< 성격 >>
1. What kind of personality do you think you have?
(자신을 어떤 성격의 소유자라고 생각합니까?)
2. Would you describe as outgoing or more reserved?
(당신은 외향적입니까, 아니면 내성적입니까?)
3. What would you say are some of your faults and strong points?
(어떤 장점과 단점을 가지고 있다고 봅니까?)

<< 지망동기 >>
1. What made you choose this company?
What was it that made you decide to choose this company?
What made you pick this company? (이 회사의 지원동기는?)
2. How did you hear about the job?
(당사에서 사람을 구하고 있다는 것을 어떻게 아셨습니까?)

<< 직업관 >>
1. Tell me about what the career means to you.
(직업이란 것을 어떻게 생각하고 계신지 말씀해 주세요)
2. What does independence mean to you?(당신에게 자립이란 것은 어떤 뜻입니까?)
3. What is your long-term career goals as a professional woman?
(당신은 직업인으로서 어떤 성공을 바라고 있습니까?)

<< 취미.기호 >>
1. What's your hobby? What kind of hobbies do you have? (취미는?)
2. What's your favorite sports? (좋아하는 스포츠는?)
3. What do you like to do in your leisure time? (여가를 어떻게 보냅니까?)
4. Do you smoke or drink? (술, 담배를 하십니까?)
5. What kind of books do you read? (어떤 종류의 책을 좋아합니까?)

<< 학창생활 >>
1. What subjects did you enjoy most at school? Why? (좋아했던 과목은?)
2. What subject did you enjoy least at school? Why? (제일 못했던 과목은? )
3. When you were a student, was there anything you got really seriously involved in?
(학창시절에 어떤 일에 몰두해 본 경험이 있습니까?)
4. Was there any teacher who impressed you very strongly?
(특별히 기억에 남는 선생님이 계십니까?)
5. Tell me something about your high school days.
(고등학교 시절의 추억이 있으면 말씀해 보십시오)

<< 서클활동 >>
1. Did you participate in any club activities at University?
(대학시절에 서클 활동을 했습니까?)
2. And if you were, what did you learn from them?
(서클활동을 했다면 거기에서 배운 점은 무엇입니까?)

<< 교우관계 >>
1. Do you have any people you'd call as really close friends?
(정말 가까운 친구라고 할 수 있는 사람이 있습니까?)
2. Would you say you have a lot of friends, or just a few?
(당신은 주위에 친구가 많은 편입니까? 아님 몇몇 친한 친구만 있는 편입니까?)

<< 입사후의 희망 >>
1. If you get accepted in this company, what department do you like to work in?
(입사후 어떤 부서에서 근무하고 싶은가요?)
2. What kind of salary/benefits do you expect? (초봉은 어느 정도 원합니까?)
3. Do you have any particular concerns that you would like the company to take into consideration?
(회사에 특별히 바라는 것이 있는지요?)

<< 다른 회사에서의 지원유무 >>
1. What other companies have you considered?
(다른 회사에도 지원하셨나요?)
2. If you are accepted at both places, which company would you choose?
(양쪽에 모두 채용되면 어느 회사를 택하겠습니까?)

<< 회사에 관한 지식 >>
1. Tell me what you know about our company.
(우리 회사에 대해 알고 있는 것을 말해 보시오)
2. What is your first impression of our company?
(우리 회사에 대한 첫인상이 어떠하십니까?)
3. Do you know what companies are stockholders in this company?
(우리 회사의 주주들 중에 어떤 회사들이 들어 있는지 알고 계십니까?)
4. What first got you interested in this sort of work?
(이 업계에는 어떻게 해서 관심을 갖게 되겠습니까?)


출처 : 파란세상
글쓴이 : 보라빛향기 원글보기
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