61. They thought it a great honour to
attend on the queen.
(그들은 여왕의 시중 드는 일을 큰 영광으로 생각했다.)
·attend =
participate in 참석하다
attend to = pay attention to = pay heed to
= take
notice of = take note of 주의하다
attend on = serve 시중들다
62. Parents must attend to the
education of their children.
(부모들은 자녀들의 교육에 주의해야 한다.)
63. He attributed his success to good
(그는 자신의 성공을 행운 탓으로 돌렸다.)
·attribut B to A B를 A의 탓/덕분으로
= owe B to A = ascribe B to A = impute B to A
= refer B to A
64. You had better avail yourself of
this opportunity.
(너는 이 기회를 이용하는 것이 좋다.)
·avail oneself of =
take advantage of
= make use of = turn 目 to account = utilize
65. On account of his failure in
business he is worse off now.
(그의 사업 실패 때문에 지금 그는 더욱 가난하다.)
·be badly off ≠ be well off(윤택하다)
66. I am used to doing without
(나는 아침 식사를 하지 않고 지내는 것에 익숙하다.)
·be used to ∼ing =
be accustomed to ∼ing
67. You must bear in mind that success
depends on exertions.
(성공은 노력에 달려 있다는 것을 명심해야 한다.)
·bear 目 in
mind = keep 目 in mind = remember
68. What has become of him?
(그는 어떻게 되었는가?)
·become of = happen to 目 어떤 일이 발생하다
69. He will come back before long.
(그는 곧 돌아올 것이다.)
·It will not be long before ∼ 곧, 머지않아, 이윽고
= Not long before ∼ = Before long ∼
= Pretty soon = By and by
70. He was behind time for is
(그는 약속 시간에 늦었다.)
·behind time = late for ≠ up to
times 제 시간에
·up to date
① 이제까지 so far = as yet = until now
② 최신의,
유행하는 = current, modern
≠ out of date = out of times
= out of fashion =
obsolete = old-fashioned
= behind the times
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