번호 |
제 목 |
243 | Having Company- 5 (How many people will be eating?) |
242 | Having Company- 4 (Who's coming?) |
241 | Having Company- 3 (Buy one bundle.) |
240 | Having Company- 2 (We are out of green onions.) |
239 | Having Company- 1 (What's for dinner?) |
238 | Two-Legged Race-2 (We are set to go.) |
237 | Two-Legged Race-1 (Get into pairs.) |
236 | Christmas Craft-5 (It is finished.) |
235 | Christmas Craft-4 (Put the popcorn on the thread.) |
234 | Christmas Craft-3 (Can you get some thread?) |
233 | Christmas Craft-2 (Put one cup of popcorn into the machine.) |
232 | Christmas Craft-1 (Do you want to make a Christmas craft?) |
231 | Birthday-9 (Thank you for coming to my party!) |
230 | Birthday-8 (Everyone, help yourselves!) |
229 | Birthday-7 (Can we order pizza?) |
228 | Birthday-6 (Is there anything else I need?) |
227 | Birthday-5 (What else should I write, Mom?) |
226 | Birthday-4 (What should I write on the invitation, Mom?) |
225 | Birthday-3 (Who do you want to invite to your party?) |
224 | Birthday-2 (Your birthday falls on Friday this year.) |
223 | Birthday-1 (It is still a month away.) |
222 | Chusuk-10 (I'm bored.) |
221 | Chusuk-9 (We are running out of gas.) |
220 | Chusuk-8 (What does everyone want to eat?) |
219 | Chusuk-7 (I'm hungry) |
218 | Chusuk-6 (We have a long way to go.) |
217 | Chusuk-5 (In the car: Buckle up!) |
216 | Chusuk-4 (They were all sold out.) |
215 | Chusuk-3 (Can I try them on?) |
214 | Chusuk-2 (I'm wrapping some gifts.) |
213 | Chusuk-1 (We go to Grandma's house.) |
212 | Sack Race |
211 | Bean Bag Toss-3 |
210 | Bean Bag Toss-2 |
209 | Bean Bag Toss-1 |
208 | Can we start all over, again? (Musical Chairs-3) |
207 | Let's see who is left out! (Musical Chairs-2) |
206 | Let's try another one this time. (Musical Chairs-1) |
205 | What does this one say? (Treasure Hunt-3) |
204 | Look on the place where you sleep. (Treasure Hunt-2) |
203 | Tell me when to open my eyes. (Treasure Hunt-1) |
202 | You got it in the wrong order. (Memory Game-3) |
201 | Is it clear? (Memory Game-2) |
200 | Show me how to play. (Memory Game-1) |
199 | Here goes!! (Dodge Ball-3) |
198 | I will be on Mom's team. (Dodge Ball-2) |
197 | You are out of the game. (Dodge Ball-1) |
196 | Try it this way. (Bowling-3) |
195 | Would you set them up, again? (Bowling-2) |
194 | I knocked down three bottles. (Bowling-1) |
193 | Pat a little faster. (Patting Game-3) |
192 | What comes next? (Patting Game-2) |
191 | Now, make the sound of walking feet. (Patting Game-1) |
190 | Draw one card. (Board Game-5) |
189 | Backward 4 spaces. (Board Game-4) |
188 | I rolled a "2." (Board Game-3) |
187 | Let's learn while we play. (Board Game-2) |
186 | We roll the dice. (Board Game-1) |
185 | I need one more in this line. (Bingo-3) |
184 | I will call out some numbers, one at a time. (Bingo-2) |
183 | What is that? (Bingo-1) |
182 | Act it out. (그것을 행동으로 나타내면 되지.) (Pantomime-3) |
181 | Guess what I am doing. (내가 무엇을 하고 있는지 추측해보렴.) (Pantomime-2) |
160 | The toilet paper is running out. (화장실 종이가 다 떨어졌어.) (화장실에서-2) |
159 | Do you need to pee or poo? (오줌 마렵니, 응아하고 싶니?) (화장실에서-1) |
158 | Let's turn it over. 뒤집자. (퍼즐을 이용해서-4 ) |
157 | Which piece goes here? (어느 그림 조각이 여기에 올까?) (퍼즐을 이용해서-3) |
156 | Start with the corner. (이쪽 구석에서 시작해라.) (퍼즐을 이용해서-2) |
155 | I will mix up the pieces. (조각 그림을 섞을께.) (퍼즐을 이용해서-1) |
154 | They all fell over. (모두 떨어졌네.) (레고 블락을 이용해서-3) |
153 |
Let me help you pull the blocks apart. (내가 떼어내는 것을 도와주마.) (레고 블락을 이용해서-3) |
152 |
Push the blue block into the red block. (파란 블락을 빨간 블락에다 꽂으렴.) (레고 블락을 이용해서-2) |
151 | Try a smaller block. (좀 더 작은 것을 이용해보렴.) (레고 블락을 이용해서-1) |
150 |
Push all of it back together like this. (이렇게 다시 모두 뭉치게 해라.) (Play doh를 이용해서-3) |
149 | Let's flatten it out. (좀 더 평평하게 하자.) (Play doh를 이용해서-2) |
148 |
Let's roll it out to make it longer. (좀 더 길게 찰흙을 굴려보자.) (Play doh를 이용해서-1) |
147 | I will cut the tape into pieces. (그 테이프를 잘게 잘라주마.) (종이를 이용해서-5) |
146 | Let it dry. (마르도록 두거라.) (종이를 이용해서-4) |
145 | Smooth out the paper. (그 종이를 살살 문지르렴.) (종이를 이용해서-3) |
144 | Glue them together. (그 종이들을 풀로 붙이렴.) (종이를 이용해서-2) |
143 | You can fold it over. (그것을 접거라.) (종이를 이용해서-1) |
142 | But don't scribble. (막 색칠하지 마라.) (색칠하면서-4) |
141 |
Fill in the apple with a red crayon. (빨간 크레용으로 이 사과안을 칠해 넣자.) (색칠하면서-3) |
140 | What do we call this in English? (이것을 영어로 뭐라고 말하지?) (색칠하면서-2) |
139 | Let's do some coloring. (색칠 좀 하자.) (색칠하면서-1) |
138 | Let's put away your books. (네 책을 치우자.) (공부하면서-14) |
137 | So much for today. (오늘은 이만하면 됐다.) (공부하면서-13) |
136 | Where were we? (우리가 어디까지 했지?) (공부하면서-12) |
135 | Let's go over the word again. (그 단어를 다시 한번 복습해 보자.) (공부하면서-11) |
134 |
Let's look up the word in the dictionary. (사전에서 단어를 찾아보자.) (공부하면서-10) |
133 | No more talking. (더 이상 말하지 말거라.) (공부하면서-9) |
132 | Sure, go ahead! (물론이지, 어서 해봐!) (공부하면서-8) |
131 | What is it about? (그 책 내용이 뭔데요?) (공부하면서-7) |
130 | One more time. (한번만 더요.) (공부하면서-6) |
129 | Sit up straight! (똑바로 앉아라.) (공부하면서-5) |
128 | Repeat it after me. (날 따라서 해봐.) (공부하면서-4) |
127 | Let's sing along with the song. (그 노래를 따라서 부르자.) (공부하면서-3) |
126 | What does it say? (책 제목이 뭐라고 쓰여있지?) (공부하면서-2) |
125 | Turn the page. (다음 페이지를 넘겨 보자.) (공부하면서-1) |
124 | Aren't you sleepy, too? (너도 졸리지 않니?) (동생 돌보기-6) |
123 | He smiled back at me. (애기가 나에게 미소로 답하네요.) (동생 돌보기-5) |
122 | It is sagging. (축 쳐져 있어요.) (동생 돌보기-4) |
121 | Come on! Crawl over here. (자 어서 이쪽으로 기어와봐.) (동생 돌보기-3) |
120 |
Can you bring me a diaper from over there? (저쪽에 있는 기저귀 좀 가져다 줄래?) (동생 돌보기-2) |
119 | Where have you been? (어디갔었니?) (동생 돌보기-1) |
118 | Do not leave your socks on the floor. (마루에 양말을 벗어 두지마라.) (Attitude-13) |
117 | Put some lotion on your hands. (손에 로션 좀 바르거라.) (In the Bathroom-8) |
116 | Go get dressed. (가서 옷 입어라.) (In the Bathroom-7) |
115 | Do not splash water. (물 좀 튀기지 마라.) (In the Bathroom-6) |
114 | Turn your back to me. (등을 돌리거라.) (In the Bathroom-5) |
113 | Let's scrub off the dirt. (이 더러운 것 좀 문질러 없애자.) (In the Bathroom-4) |
112 | Let's make some lather. (거품을 좀 내자.) (In the Bathroom-3) |
111 | Rinse off all of the soap. (비누를 다 씻어 내야지.) (In the Bathroom-2) |
110 | Wash behind your ears. (귀 뒤쪽 좀 닦아라.) (In the Bathroom-1) |
109 | Stand up straight. (똑바로 서라.) (Scales-4) |
108 | Be still! ( 가만히 좀 있어라.) (Scales-3 (At hospital)) |
107 | Hold still. (꼼짝말고 좀 있어.) (Scales-2) |
106 | How much do I weigh? (내 몸무게가 어느정도 되지요?) (Scales-1) |
105 | Soak it. (물에 담가라.) (Health-14) |
104 | I sprained my ankle. ( 내 발목을 삐었어요.) (Health-13) |
103 | Let's do some stretching. (몸좀 풀자/준비 운동) (Health-12) |
102 | Do you want to exercise with me? (나와 함께 운동할래?) (Health-11) |
101 | I hope you get well soon. (곧 낫기를 희망한다.) (Health-10) |
100 | I feel much better, now. (이제 훨씬 더 나아졌어요) (Health-9) |
99 | Let me blow on it. (내가 불어줄게) (Health-8) |
98 | I got a cut! (상처가 났어요) (Health-7) |
97 | How much does it hurt? (어느정도 아픈데?) (Health-6) |
96 | You have the hiccups. (딸국질 하네!) (Health-5) |
95 | Take one pill at a time. (한번에 한알씩 먹거라.) (Health-4) |
94 | Blow your nose. (코를 풀거라.) (Health -3) |
93 | Let me check your temperature. (온도좀 재어보자.) (Health-2) |
92 | Are you feeling OK? (너 괜찮니?) (Health-1) |
91 | Pour some water on? (물좀 부어(따라) 줄래?) (Attitude-12) |
90 | Fold this in half. (반으로 접으렴.) (Attitude-11) |
89 | Don't stand in the way. (길을 막고 서있지 마라.) (Attitude-10) |
88 | I will call back. (전화 다시 할께요.) (Phone-8) |
87 |
Mom cannot come to the phone right now. (지금 전화 받으실 수 없으세요.) (Phone-7) |
86 | I will get her for you. (엄마 바꿔드릴께요.) (Phone-6) |
85 | It is for you. (엄마 전화에요.) (Phone-5) |
84 | Can (May) I take a message? (전할 말씀 있으세요?) (Phone-4) |
83 | Speaking. (전데요.) (Phone-3) |
82 | Who is calling? (누구세요?) (Phone-2) |
81 | This is the Lee's residence. ( 이 ** 씨 댁(집) 입니다.) (Phone-1) |
80 | Go straight! (곧장 가거라!) (TPR-17) |
79 | Don't lean against the window. (창문에 기대지 말아라.) (TPR-16) |
78 |
Don't speed up your reading that fast. (속도 내어서 그렇게 빨리 읽지 말아라.) (TPR-15) |
77 | Move over a bit! (조금만 이쪽으로 움직여라.) (TPR-14) |
76 | Get in. (타거라.) (TPR-13) |
75 | Unplug the cord. (코드를 빼거라.) (TPR-12) |
74 | Just pick one for today. (오늘 볼 것 하나만 골라라.) (TPR-11) |
73 | Smile at Dad. (아빠에게 미소 지어 봐요.) (TPR-10) |
72 | Wave to them. (친구들에게 손을 흔들어 주어야지.) (TPR-9) |
71 | Please walk your friend to the door. (문까지 친구를 배웅해야지.) (TPR-8) |
70 | Cut around the picture. (그 그림을 따라 짜르렴.) (TPR-7) |
69 | Comb your hair. (머리좀 빗거라.) (TPR-6) |
68 | Lay the baby on her back. (아이를 똑바로(뒤로) 눕혀라.) (TPR-5) |
67 | Take it off my shoulder. (어깨에서 떼어 주세요.) (TPR-4) |
66 |
Pull the chair back from the table. (그 테이블에서 의자를 뒤로 잡아 당겨 빼거라.) (TPR-3) |
65 | Please put it down. (내려 놓거라.) (TPR-2) |
64 | Put the 2 next to the 3. (2번카드를 3번 카드 옆에 놓거라.) (TPR-1) |
63 | We say "a bottle of milk" ("우유한병"이라고 말해봐라.) (Math/counting-2) |
62 | What is 200 divided by 4? (200을 4로 나누면 무엇이남지?) (Math/division) |
61 | You can take 300 won from 500. (500원에서 300원을 빼봐라.) (Math/subtraction) |
60 |
Let's count how many you have? (몇개나 가지고 있는지 세워 보자.) (Math/counting-5) |
59 | It was ten to eight. (7시 50분이였어요.) (time) |
58 | Give the journal a title. (일기에 제목도 적어야지.) (Writing a journal/title-1) |
57 |
You can write the year in the journal, too. (일기에 연도도 적어야지.) (Writing a journal/date-2) |
56 | What is today's date? (오늘이 몇일이에요?) (Writing a journal/date-1) |
55 | I want to give you a big hug. (꼭 껴앉아 줄께.) (Attitude-9) |
54 | Stop teasing. (그만 괴롭히거라/놀려라.) (Attitude-8) |
53 | Don't draw pictures on the wall. (벽에다 그림 그리면 안돼!) (Attitude-7) |
52 | Don't feel sad. (괜찮아/슬퍼하지마라.) (Attitude-6) |
51 | Stop yelling at Cindy. (신디한테 소리좀 그만 질러라.) (Attitude-5) |
50 | Please share them with Steve. (스티브와 함께 나누어 먹도록 해라.) (Attitude-4) |
49 | First come, first served. (먼저 온사람이 먼저 하는거야.) (Attitude-3) |
48 | Say you are sorry. (미안하다고 말해라.) (Attitude-2) |
47 | Tell me what happened. (무슨 일이 있었는지 말해보렴.) (Attitude-1) |
46 | I'm gong to miss you. (보고 싶을거에요.) (Visiting-7) |
45 | Keep the noise down a bit! (소리좀 낮추거라!) (Visiting-6) |
44 | You can have as much as you want. (원하는 만큼 많이 먹어라.) (Visiting-5) |
43 | Help me set the table. (밥상 차리는 것좀 도와줄래?) (Visiting-4) |
42 |
Guess what I've got for you? (내가 선물로 무엇을 가지고 있는지 맞추어보렴?) (Visiting-3) |
41 | Say 'Hello' to your aunt. (숙모에게 인사드려야지.) (Visiting-2) |
40 | Can you go answer the door? (문좀 열어주거라/누가 왔나 나가보거라.) (Visiting-1) |
39 | I'm sure you are! (그럴줄 알았어!) (Playground-9) |
38 | Remember to hold on as you climb. (올라갈때 꼭 잡는 것 잊지 말고.) (Playground-8) |
37 | What a wonderful idea! (좋은 생각이다.) (Playground-7) |
36 | Sit in front. (앞에 앉아라.) (Playground-6) |
35 |
Can you hold me up? (저 좀 받쳐 주실레요?) (Playground-5) |
34 |
Can you push me? (밀어주실레요?) (Playground-4) |
33 |
That looks like fun. (재미있을 것 같아요.) (Playgroud-3) |
32 |
There you go (그래 그거야.) (Playground-2) |
31 |
Put your coat on. (네 코트를 입도록 해라.) (Playground-1) |
30 |
Let me get it for you. (날씨-4) |
29 |
How's the weather today? (날씨-3) |
28 |
27 |
It's rainy and windy. (날씨-1) |
26 |
What competition is next? (TV보기-7) |
25 |
They are about to start. (TV보기-6) |
24 |
Who made the basket? (TV보기-5) |
23 |
Who is winning now? (TV보기-4) |
22 |
Not until the next Olympics. (TV보기-3) |
21 |
Let's cheer for~ (TV보기-2) |
20 | Can I stay up to watch? (TV보기-1) |
19 | Sit a little farther away. (집에서 상황-5) |
18 |
Do one thing at a time. (집에서 상황-4) |
17 |
It is not on today. (집에서 상황-3) |
16 |
How long may I watch? (집에서 상황-2) |
15 |
Is your homework done? (집에서 상황-1) |
14 |
What kind of juice would you like? (점심상황-8) |
13 |
No more. (점심상황-7) |
12 |
What are we having today? (점심상황-6) |
11 |
I'd love to ! (점심상황-5) |
10 | I want to play some more. (점심상황-4) |
9 | What else? Anything else? (점심상황-3) |
8 | Remember we made a mess last time! (점심상황-2) |
7 | You make the best lunches! (점심상황-1) |
6 |
I'll fix one for you. (아침상황-6) |
5 |
Do you want toast or rice with soup? (아침상황-5) |
4 | Did you wash your hands? (아침상황-4) |
3 | Put your pajamas away. (아침상황-3) |
2 |
My brush is gone. (아침상황-2) |
1 | It's time to get up. (아침상황-1) |
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