
[스크랩] Lesson 11 Poetry for You

명호경영컨설턴트 2009. 1. 16. 12:27

Lesson 11
Poetry for You

Let’s Read

Topic 1
How to Enjoy Poetry

Do you ride a bus, a subway, or a car? What do you do to pass the time on your way to school, or home? Some people talk or listen to music. Some people read magazines, newspapers, or books. In many cities, many people read the poems which are on the walls of the buses and subways.
How about at school? There are poems on the walls of the classrooms. They are written in Korean and in English, so you can read them. The poems will make you happy and make you think. Do you know how to enjoy poems in English?
Poems in English are fun to listen to. You can enjoy poems more if you listen for rhyme, rhythm, and special sounds.

Listen for rhyme.  A rhyme is a word which has the same last sound as another word. Lines of poems often end with words that have the same last sounds. These words tie together ideas and word pictures. In this poem, the words balloon and moon rhyme.

Moon wish
If I could ride in a giant balloon,
I’d pack my bag and go to the moon.

Listen for rhythm.  Rhythm is a pattern of repeated beats you can hear. Read “Moon Wish” again. There are four beats in each line.

Listen for words that begin with the same sounds.  Listen for words that begin with the same sounds and are close together. In “Copper Sunset,” the words copper and coin have a pleasing sound.

Copper sunset
This copper coin sparkles like the sun
As it drops in the west when day is done.

Topic 2
Hear Every Word

by Robinson Davies
Get yourself a good collection of poetry, and keep it by your bed. Read a little before you go to sleep. Read a little if you wake up before the alarm goes off. Read a little if you wake up in the night. When you are in a bus, on a subway, or at a park, let your mind think of what you have read.
One book will last you a long time. Truly, it may last you a lifetime, but I hope you will get more books of poetry as time goes on. Read and reread. Read over and over again until you find that you are reading the poem without looking at the words. Hear every word in your head. Do not read quickly. Read, listen to, and enjoy the words, and the sense.
Oh yes, the sense. Because that is what poetry is. It is the good sense or emotion of someone who is especially gifted in wisdom of some kind. Modern English poetry has turned its face against rhyme and meter, which are two of the most important features of poetry. So you can feel it is more difficult to understand modern English poetry. Be sure you can read some of that poetry which was written a few centuries ago.
Read it even if you don’t agree with what it says. Read it even if you think it is saying something unclear. Read it because it shows your real self, keeps it refreshed, and in good order. Read it because it never allows you to become sad.
Poetry is part of the support you take on board for the long journey of life. Don’t imagine it is easy, and don’t give up when you find that it is hard. Work hard with the difficult things, and in the end they will show their meaning to you. That meaning may help you over many difficult things.

Review - 의사 소통 기능

화난 것 표현하기
A: It really makes me mad.
B: What’s the problem?

허락 요청하기
A: May I borrow your collection of poetry?
B: Sure, you may.

확신 말하기
A: Do you think Ted will come?
B: Yes, I’m sure that he will come.

A: I don’t know what’s wrong with my watch.
B: Let me take a look at it.

출처 : 혼자 영어 공부하기
글쓴이 : Philip 원글보기
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