
[스크랩] 공무원 시험에 자주 나오는 숙어 -4-

명호경영컨설턴트 2009. 2. 10. 11:09

31. He is, as it were, a bookworm.
(말하자면 그는 책벌레이다.)
·as it were = so to speak = so-called
= what we call = what is called

32. He will fail as likely as not.
(그는 아마 실패할 것 같다.)
·as likely as not = probably : 아마

33. As regards money, I have enough.
(돈에 관해서라면, 나는 충분히 가지고 있다.)
·as regards = as concerns = as respects ∼에 관하여
= regarding = concerning = respecting
= with[in] regard to
≠without regard[respect/relation/reference] to
= regardless of = irrespective of
∼와 관계없이, ∼와 무관하게, ∼에도 불구하고

34. He was late for school as usual.
(그는 평소처럼 학교에 지각했다.)

35. He gave me food and money as well.
(그는 내게 음식과 게다가 돈까지 주었다.)
·both A and B = at once A and B = alike A and B
= A and B as well = A and B in addition
= A and B into the bargain = A and B alike

36. The matter has not been settled as yet.
(그 문제는 여태껏 해결되지 않았다. = up to now)

37. I asked for my friend in hospital.
(나는 병원에 있는 친구의 안부를 물었다.)
·ask after = inquire after

38. I was at a loss what to do.
(나는 무얼 해야 할지 어쩔 줄을 몰랐다.)
·be at a loss 당황하다
= be at one'w wit's end
= be perplexed = be embarrassed = be puzzled
= be bewildered = be confused

39. It occurs at times that the traffic is disorganized by fog.
(안개로 교통 혼란이 가끔 발생한다.)
·at times = at intervals = between times
= on occassions = occasionally = on and off
= (every) now and then

40. You must keep your promise at all costs.
(너는 무슨 일이 있어도 약속을 지켜야 한다.)
·at all costs = by all means, certainly
: 어떤 일이 있어도, 꼭 

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