
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 13

명호경영컨설턴트 2010. 2. 23. 08:49

측정용기               measuring vessel
측정위치             measuring position
측정자 gage operator
측정치 measured values
층분리 layer separation
치구 jig
치수               dimension
치수공차           dimensional tolerance
치수공차             dimensional tolerance
치수점검             dimensional check
치수표시방법           Indication Method of Dimension
치저경             tooth root diameter
치절공구 tooth cutter
치즐강              chisel steel
치환성 연질   water substitution  soft
치흠 tooth flow
칠맺힘 drip
칠부족 thin area, dry spray
침상조직           acicular structure
침수 누설 시험        submersion leak test
침입도 penetrating
침적 submerging
침적건습부식시험용 for submerging dry-and-wet corrosion testing
침전                precipitate
침전                settling
침전물 sediment
침전물              sediment
침전물               sediment
침전성 precipitation
침출수(浸出水) leachate
침탄                 cementation
침탄법              carburizing
침탄제             carburizer
침탄질화              carbonitriding
침투                penetration
침투탐상검사            penetration inspection
칭량법 weighing method
카담                CADAM
카드뮴             cadmium
카디건 cardigan (앞자락에 단추를 단 스웨터)
카본 블랙             carbon black
카울링           cowling
카티온               cation
칸토로움            kanto loam
캐슬너트             castle nut
캠버각             camber angle
캠축             cam shaft
캡너트           cap nuts
캡너트             cap nuts
캡다이아케이블        cap dia cable
캬뷰레터             carburettor
커넥터배치             connector layout
커버 절단 저항          cover cutting resistance
컴프레서            compressor
케로신             kerosene
케블라섬유 Kevlar
케이지 cage (= 支持器)
코일법 coil method
코킹             caulking
코터핀 cotter pin
콘덴서 팬           condenser fan
콘센트 receptacle (소켓); outlet
콜로이드 colloid
콜리메타; 콜리메이터 collimator
쾌삭강           free cutting steel
쾌삭강             free cutting steel
쾌삭성               free-cutting ability
쾌삭재료              free-machining material
쾌삭탄소강              free cutting carbon steels
쾌삭황동              free-cutting brass
쾌삭황동               free cutting brass
퀜칭(담금질)             quenching
큐비클 cubicle (변전설비를 에워싼 철제함)
크라운너트           crown nut
크레비스 crevice
크레스트              crest
크레이터             crater
크로마토그라피 chromatography
크로멧처리              chromating
크롬                chrome
크롬강              chrome steel
크롬몰리브덴강          chrome-molybdenum steel
크롬산 처리           chromic acid treatment
크롬산 처리           chromic acid treatment
크롬산 처리            chromic acid treatment
크롬산염 처리           chromate treatment
크롬스테인레스강 chrome stainless steel
크리프              creep
크리프시험              creep test
크세논 xenon
크실렌 xylene
크실렌 xylene : C6H4(CH3)2 
클램프               clamp
클러치                clutch
클러치라이닝           clutch lining
클러치정렬            clutch alignment
클러치판            clutch plate
클레비스볼트            clevis bolt
클레이           clay
클레임                 claim
클립                clip
키구경              key slot diameter
키흠              key way
킬드강                killed steel
킬드강괴             killed ingot
킹핀             king-pin
타각 imprint  [컴퓨터용어: 전사(轉寫)]
타각기준 standard of imprinting
타르샌드             tar sand
타이밍기어             timing gear
타이밍모터            timing motor
타이밍벨트            timing belt
타이백, 커튼 띠 tieback
타출성형            beating
타코미터; 회전속도계, 유속계 tachometer (rpm을 표시)
타화             carbonization
타흔 mark of impacting
탁도              turbidity
탄도시험               ballistic test
탄성                elasticity
탄성경도             elastic hardness
탄성계수          elastic modulus
탄성곡면            elastic surface
탄성변형량 amount of elastic deformation
탄성에너지        resilience
탄성에너지          elastic strain energy
탄소             carbon
탄소강             carbon steel
탄소강관             carbon steel tube
탄소강선재             carbon steel wire
탄소공구강            carbon tool steel
탄소분산               carbon dispersion
炭化(작용) carbonization
탄화물(카바이드) carbide
탄화칼슘 calcium carbide
탈락               removal
탈락                 falling-off
탈지                  degreased
탈지면(脫脂綿) absorbent cotton
탈지제 degreaser
탈진장치               dedustor
탈탄                  decarburization
탈탄층               decarburization layer
탐지[측정]기 (방향거리의) finder
탕경                cold lap
(태양열) 집열 solar collector (cf: 집열=absorber plate)
태피스트리(무늬를 넣은 양탄자) tapestry
태핏                tappet
터짐                   split
턴간단락 short circuit between turns
텅스텐 tungsten; wolfram (기호: W)
테더                  tether
테두리                 edge
테르밋               thermit (thermite)
테이퍼               taper
테이퍼나사             taper screw
테이퍼볼트              taper bolt
테이퍼탭              tapper tap
텐션                tension
템퍼경화법            temper hardening
템퍼링            tempering
템퍼링             tempering
템퍼링              tempering
토르크이상 torque disorder
토르크저하            torque reduction
토인             toe-in
토출             discharge
토커               torquer
토크계수               torque coefficient
톨루산 toluic acid
톨루산염 toluate 
톨루엔 toluene; toluol
톱니                 cogged
통과측              go-end
통기구                bleeder
통기도 permeability
통기성              air draft/flow
통기성              air draft/flow
통기율              airflow rate
통보서 notification
통전                  current passage
통전과정               current passage process
통풍건조기 ventilated dehydrator
통풍구 ventilation hole; ventilator
퇴거각                 angle of recess
투과량              permeation amount
투과률(物) transmissivity 
투과성              permeability
투과성              permeability
투과율 permeation rate
투명 플라스틱 transparent plastics
투사광 the projection ray
튜브                  tube
트라프; 나무그릇 trough
트러니언형 실린더 trunnion mounting cylinder
트레오닌(生化) threonine
트위스트 페어선        twisted pair wire
트위스트 피치       twisting pitch
트위스트페어전선 twist pair wire
특성                characteristics
특성곡선         characteristic cruve
특성시험              characteristic test
특성요인도 cause and effedt diagram
특수강              special steel
특수강대             special steel rod
특수드릴             special drill
특수치수허용차         special dimension tolerance
틈새                radial internal clearance
틈새끼워맞춤           clearance fit
티 이음            tee joint
티(T) 형강 tee
티로신(生化)  tyrosine
티타늄           titanium
파고분석기 wave heigh analyzer
파고분포 Wave Height Distribution
파괴 breakdown
파괴강도            breaking strength
파괴응력            breaking stress
파괴인성          fracture toughness
파단                break
파단                rupture
파단                 fracture
파단후의 신장량       elongation after rupture
파단후의 신장량        elongation after rupture
파단후의 신장량         elongation after rupture
파상마찰 wobble friction
파생치 derived vehicle
파손               break
파손               failure
파손 체결 토크        burst tightening torque
파손강도          burst strength
파스너; 고정구           fastener
파열압력         bursting pressure
파열압력         bursting pressure
파열하중         breaking load
파워 스티어링 Power Steering
파장             wave(電), wavelength
파지부              grip portion
파철               scrap iron
파형관           corrugated pipe
파형못            wave form nail
파형성형            corrugating
파형와셔            corrugated washer
판매금지 stop of vehicles sales
판물 frame
판심식              board core type
판유리              plate glass
패임                 dent
패임부               recess
팽윤 swelling
팽창계수               expansion coefficient
팽창기                inflator
팽창률               expansion coefficient
팽창비             expansion ratio
팽창탱크             expansion tank
팽창행정             expansion stroke
팽츨                dishing
퍼얼라트량 the area ration of pearlite
펄라이트주철            pearlite cast iron
펄스반사법          pulse echo technique
페놀수지           phenol resin
페닐알라닌(生化) phenylalanine
페라이트           ferrite
페라이트 탈탄층      depth of the decarburized ferrite
페라이트 탈탄층       depth of the decarburized ferrite
페라이트 탈탄층 깊이 depth of the decarburized ferrite layer
페라이트계           ferrite
페이즐리 직물 paisley
펠렛(릿) pellet
편경차             Diametrical variation
편경차               Diametrical variation
편면나비            width on one side
편상흑연              graphite flake
편심              eccentricity
편심                off-core
편심거리 distance of eccentricity; eccentric distance
편심성              eccentricity
편심점             eccentric point
편심하중; 편하중            eccentric load
편제동 eccentric braking
편조강화           braided reinforcement
편조강화층           braided reinforcement layer
편조강화층              braided reinforcement layer
편조선               braided wire
편조실드선            briaded shielding wire
편진폭           single amplitude
편차               deviation
편차                deviation
편차                deviation
편평 parallel flat
편평도              flatness
평가인               appraiser
평각(平角) a straight angle
평강              flat steel
평강               flat steel
평고무벨트          flat rubber belt
평균속도             mean speed
평기어             plain gear
평기어              spur gear
평로강             open-hearth steel
평면도              plane
평면도(平面) platness
평면의; 2차원의 planar
평벨트 flat belt
평봉                flat bar
평삭기               planing machine; planer
평삭반(平削盤); 플레이너; (목공용) 기계대패 planer (planing : 대패질)
평스프링           flat spring
평와셔              plain washer
평직포              plain rough fabric
평행나사            straight screw
평행도             parallelism
평행사변형           parallelogram
평행선               parallel line
평행압력            equilibrium pressure
평행연접봉           parallel rod
평행투영          parallel projection
평형              equilibrium
평형(균형)압 equilibrium pressure
평형봉강            flat bar
평형장치          equalizing device
폐유               slush
폐지 abrogation
폐차 an disused car; a scrapped vehicle(car)
폐차장 an auto junkyard
폐회로              closed circuit
포금                gun metal
포락면              enveloping surfaces
포락선             enveloping lines
포락선             enveloping lines
포상 rewarding
포장하중             gross weight
포장화물            packed cargo
포핏 poppet
포화               saturation
포화곡선             saturation curve
포화공기            saturated air
포화압력            saturated pressure
포화온도            saturated temperature
포화절대습도        saturated humidity ratio
포화증기           saturated steam
폭로 exposure
폭로일수 exposure days
폭발                explosion
폭발상한 UEL: Upper Explosive Limit
폭발압력           explosion pressure
폭발압접            explosive pressure welding
폭발하한 LEL:Lower Explosive Limit
폭비              explosion
폴리스티렌            polystyrene
폴리에틸렌           polyethylene
폴리우레탄            polyurethane
폴리트로프효율          polytropic efficiency
폴리프로필렌        polypropylene
표면 다듬질          surface finish
표면가공         surface working
표면가공          surface workign
표면거칠기           surface roughness
표면거칠기           surface roughness
표면건조형         skin drying mold
표면경도            surface gardness
표면경도             case hardness
표면다공성           surface porosity
표면도금처리         surface plating process
표면오염           surface contamination
표면응축기           surface condenser
표면장력           surface tension
표면착화           surface ignition
표면처리강판        surface treated steel sheet
표백(제)(락스는 상표일 뿐임) bleach
표본용기          sample cell
표본추출방법        sampling method
표본추출법          sampling method
표시 notation (서식을 나타낼때 사용)
표시                Indication
표시방법         indication method
표점거리          gauge length
표정하다 make
표제란           title column
표제란            title panel
표준마무리 바깥지름 standard finished outside diameter
표준상태         standard state
표준온도            standard temperature
표준작업시간          standard operation time
표준정비 review and correct of standards
표준정비건수 the count of corrected standards
표준체결토크          standard tightening torque
표준치수          Basic Dimension
표준치형         standard tooth form
표준판           standard plate
표준편차          standard deviation
표준형 지상변압기 standard pad-mounted transformer
표준화             standardization
표피재             covering material
표화면              table screen
표화면              table screen
푸란 furan  (cf: tetrahydrofuran ; THF)
풀림               loosening
풀림토크             loosening torque
품명 part name
품번                part numbers
품질                 quality
품질 보증 quality assurance, quality insurance
품질개선활동규정 regulation for activity of the quality improvement
품질공정안정 stabilization of the quality process
품질관리             quality control
품질랭크결정운용지침 inspection for the determination and application of quality rank
품질랭크의 결정과 ranking the quality and managing
품질랭크의 결정과       ranking the quality and
품질이상 quality concern
품질이상대책서 quality concern report
품질이상연락서 quality concern report
품질이상처리업무절차 the precedure to handle quality concerns
풍도(風圖) wind diagram
풍량               airflow volume
풍속계              air speedometer
풍신기               weather vane
풍압                wind pressure
퓨즈아크용접           fuse arc welding
프레스가공           press work(ing)
프레임              frame
프로린(生化) proline
프로젝션용접기        projection welder
프로젝트엔지니어링      project engineering
프로텍타         protector
프로판가스        propane gas
프로펠러축         propeller shaft
프론트 및 리어하우징 front and rear housing
프와송비          poisson's ratio
플라스틱           plastic
플라스틱 염색        plastic dyeing
플라스틱성형       plastic form
플라이 아웃         flyout
플라이어 plier
플라이휠          fly-wheel
플랜지             flange
플랜지관             flange pipe
플랜지급유기        flange lubricator
플랜지너트         flange nut
플랜지붙이관         flanged pipe
플랜지이음           flange joint
플런저, 막대피스톤 plunger
플렉시블샤프트      flexible shaft
플렉시블조인트         flexible joint
플로마크             flow mark
피그선철           pig
피동              driven
피로             fatigue
피로강도          fatigue strength
피로변형           fatigue deformation
피로시험           fatigue test
피로한도             fatigue limit
피막                coating
피복부             covered part
피어스 너트            pierce nut
피착제           mating plate
피착판            mating plate
피치원            pitch circle
피치원 지름          pitch diameter
피크린산 picric acid
필라멘트 filament 
필러                pillar
하도(전착) electronic deosition coat
하론 소화기 Harlon extinguisher
하방향하중          downward load
하부                bottom
하부 대시 패널        dash panel-lower
하부몰딩            lower molding
하사점             bottom dead point
하이포이드기어          hypoid gear
하중                 load
하중감응밸브            load sensing valve
하중변형곡선       load deformation curve
하중브레이크         load brake
하중진폭         load amplitude
하중처짐선도 load-deflection curve
하한값              lower limit value
하향절삭           down cutting
하형               female die
한계치수             limit size
한도견본 acceptance sample
한도견본             acceptable sample
한정부품 상용           limited parts use
한줄나사           single screw thread
한쪽 끝 퀜칭         end quenching
한천 cold weather
할로겐램프 halogen lamp
함몰                dent
함유(물), 산입(算入) inclusion
함유수지(含油樹脂) oleo-resin
함유율 inclusion rate
함유혈암(含油頁岩) oil shale
함체; 하우징, 벽감(壁龕) housing
함침               impregnation
함탄량 temper : (鋼의) 함탄량; 뜨임, (예: a sword of the finest ~: 최고로 불린 칼,the ~ of clay: 점토의 갠정도)




출처 : 유비쿼터스 포유
글쓴이 : Genie 원글보기
메모 :

'정보테크 > 용어사전' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 12  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 미터법 단위환산  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 14  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 15  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 16  (0) 2010.02.23