
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 12

명호경영컨설턴트 2010. 2. 23. 08:50

정격              rating
정격고도               rated altitude
정격부하              rated load
정격시험             test of rated performance
정격온도              normal temperature
정격전류             rated current
정격전압           rated voltage
정격전압               ated voltage
정규분포 normal distribution
정규분포               normal distribution
정도 accuracy
정도               precision
정도                 precision
정도검사                alignment test
정량               quantity
정량분석            quantitative analysis
정량분석             quantitative analysis
정량적으로 quantitatively
정량적표현             quantitative expression!
정류기                rectifier
정류자                 commutator
정면도; 입면도 front view; elevation
정면선반               face lathe
정면연삭              face grinding
정미마력             net horsepower
정미시간            net time
정미효율             net efficiency
정밀검사 precise inspection
정밀단조                stamp forging
정밀도                  accuracy
정밀발췌검사 precise selection inspection
정밀주조                precision casting
정반                 surface plate
정비도; 정비성               maintainability
정상류                 steady flow
정상연소              stationary state
정상진동            steady-state vibration
정상파             standing wave
정성                   quality
정성분석  qualitative analysis
정성적표현           qualitative expression!
정스프링특성            static spring characteristics
정식도 production drawing
정식도면 regular drawing
정압             positive pressure
정압             static pressure
정위편차             localional deviations
정의                Definitions
정의                 Definition
정재과유            refined mineral oil
정적방전감도            static discharge sensitivity
정적평형             static balance
정적휨 static sag
정전기 static electricity
정전용량            electrostatic capacity
정전유도차페           elctrostatic induction shielding
정점              peak
정정시간           stabilization period
정지 조립 차량 stopping builtup vericle
정지거리           stopping distance
정지궤도            geostationary orbit
정지에너지             potential energy
정착특성             adhesive property
정체공기             stagnant air
정투영             orthogonal projection
정하중              dead load
정하중                static load
정해진 기간 defined period
정현파형             sinusoidal waveform
정화기; 청정기              purifier
제1상용             first ordinary use
제거성 removability
제거성 removability
제관(製罐); 보일러의 제작 boiler manufacturing
제관소 boiler forge
제너레이터 generator
제도              drafting
제도기준           drawing standard
제동거리           braking distance (regenerative braking : 회생제동)
제동등            stop lamp
제동시간            braking time
제물대 board
제상스위치            frost switch
제안분임조 QC circle
제원(諸元) specification, factor
제작공장               factory
제작법(제조법) fabrication method
제정 establishment
제조                production
제조공정 manufacturing process
제조공정준기술표준 inspection for substandard engineering of manufacturing processes
제조번호 MSN (Manufacturing Serial Number); Serial No.
제조설비 manufacture facilities
제조업자 vendor
제조원가              manufacturing cost
제조자 vendor
제진             vibration damping
제진기              vibration damper
제진합금              high damping alloy
조도               illumination
조도                roughness
조도게이지             roughness gauge
조동자               worker
조립 election  (ex: pipe ~: 파이프 조립)
조립 용이성           assembling serviceability
조립결함            defects on assembling
조립도              assembly drawing
조립라인         assembly line
조립보           built-up beam
조립지침도           Assembly Guideline
조립치수          assembly dimension
조명기              illuminator
조성형             jaw molding
조인트            joint
조인트핀            joint pin
조임강도             tightening strength
조임고정구 clamping fixture
조임여유          tightening allowance
조임토크             tightendn g torque
조작감           operating feeling
조장 foreman
조절, 조정, 가감(加減),(電)변동률편차, (전자)전압변동범위 regulation
조절[조정]자, 조절[조정]장치 adjuster
조정             adjustment
조정기            regulator
조정나사            adjusted thread
조정나사             adjust screw
조정베어링             adjustable bearing
조정볼트         adjusting bolt
조정안정성 comfortableness
조질 refining
조질기호             refming symbol
조질압연             refined rolling
조치 countmeasures
조치 treatment
조해(액) deliquescence
조해(潮解)하다; 용해하다 deliquesce
조향성능 directional performance
조향장치            steering arrangement
조형               molding
조형법                molding method
조형재            assistant
종감속비             final reduction ratio
종단면              longitudinal section
종단면도             drawing of longitudinal section
종단속도              terminal velocity
종류             Types
종류              type
종륜              trailing wheel
종말법 terminal point
종안정              longitudinal stability
종절(從節),종동절, 종차(從車) follower (= driven pulley)
종축               vertical shaft turbine
종축                 vertical shaft
종핀                vertical fin
종합성능                synthetic performance
좌굴                buckling
좌굴                 buckling
좌굴강도 buckling strength
좌측면도, 우측면도 left side view, right side view
좌우                  lateral
좌우용접             right and left hand welding
죄굴강도             buckling strength
주강             cast steel
주강              steel casting
주강                cast iron
주걱 spatula
주걱               spatula
주관부서 superintending department
주관부서 superintending, leading department
주괴                  ingot
주괴조직              ingot pattern
주괴주형             ingot case
주기 period
주기문                 note
주기문의기입         entry of note
주도 cone penetration (규정원추가 규정된 무게)
주름 wrinkle
주름             wrinkling
주름               wrinkle
주름변형            waving
주몰구멍               cored hole
주문자               orderer
주문자                orderer
주물                 castings
주물                  cast
주물                   casting
주물결함            casting defect
주물결함            casting defect
주물날개              cast blade
주물사 foundry sands
주물사                molding sand
주변부품              surrounding parts
주변조건              edge condition
주사식 전자 현미경 SEM(Scanning Electron Microscopy)
주상변압기 pole-mounted transformer
주상조직              columnar structure
주석도금            tinning; tin plating
주위온도               ambient temperature
주응력               principal stress
주응력면             principal planes of stress
주응력선         principal stress trajectory
주인                master
주입구              gate
주입하다            pour
주전단응력              principal shearstress
주조                casting
주조                 casting
주조금형             casting mold
주조변형              casting strain
주조분석값              cast analysis value
주조성              castability
주조용흙손           molder's spatula
주조응력           casting stress
주진동            principly vibration
주차브레이크            parking brake
주철 cast iron
주철              cast iron
주철                cast iron
주철금형             cast iron mold
주출 printing type
주출형구 matrix of printing type
주탕주입온도            casting tempreature
주파수             frequency
주파수 응답특성 frequency response characteristics
주파장              dominant wavelength
주행               running
주행검사 driving inspection
주행로거더             runway girder
주행저항              running resistance
주행테스트 driving test
주형                cast
주형(鑄型), 거푸집, (과자등을 만드는) 틀, 뼈대 mold (cf: die = 금형)
주형성형           casting
죽이다 deenergize (전동기라든가 기타 전력으로 동작하는 장치에 전력 공급을 정지하는 것)
줄무늬색            striped
중간검사 interim inspection
중간단자             battery cable
중간색조 moderate tone
중간주파수         intermediate frequency
중간층               interlayer
중공 단련          mandrel forging
중공 단련              mandrel forging
중공강             cored steel
중공드릴             hollow drill
중공성형법           blow molding
중공원통               hollow circular cylinder
중공축                hollow shaft
중근키              round key
중도 surface coat
중량               weight
중량자동차 heavy car
중립면               neutral plane
중립축              neutral axis
중복반복하중           multiple repeated load
중부하             heavy load
중심 편석           center segregation
중심거리              center distance
중심면            median surface/plane
중심면             median surface/plane
중심선            center line
중심전극             center pole
중심축             core axis
중앙면                median plane
중앙선               median line
중앙선                 median line
중요도등급 important rank
중요보안부품 critical and significant parts
중요보안부품 major security parts
중요보안부품 품질보증지침 instruction for quality assurence of critical parts
중요성인식제고 uplist one's understandings of its importance on ∼
중유              heavy oil
중점관리시트 major control sheet
중조; 탄산수소나트륨; 탄산 sodium bicarbonate
중첩 여유           lap allowance
중첩 이음        lap joint
중화가             neutralization number
증류수              distilled water
증명값 verification value
증발용량; 증발량 evaporative capacity
진공증착(眞空蒸着); 증착(蒸着) vacuum evaporation; vapour deposition
지그                 jig
지락(地絡) ground fault
지락 사고 line-to-ground fault
지르코늄              zirconium
지름                 diameter
지방산 fatted acid
지상관제 변압기 ground-controlled transformer
지상변압기용 순간압력저감장치 apparatus of pressure-down for the
지시상설치형변압기 pad-mounted transformer
지시선              leader line
지시약 indicator
지연             lag, delay
지연각            angle of delay
지적소유권              intellectual property
지지강도              holding strength
지지대, 지지구, 가대(架臺) holder
지체(遲滯)               time lag (지체각: angle of lag)
지촉건조성 finger sensing dryness
지테이프               paper tape
지퍼부             zipper part
직각                    right angle
직각굽힘           Perpendicular bending
직각도              perpendicularity
직간통전법 rectangular current passage method
직결 터빈 direct-coupled turbine
직경               diameter
직동손잡이 direct-acting knob
직렬 밸브 straightway valve
직방체 rectangular parallel piped
직사각의              rectangle
직원뿔               right circular cone
직장,주임,감독자 supervisor
직전도                Straightness
직진성 driving straightness
직책 job title
진공도금               vacuum plating
진공진각장치           vacuum control
진동 Run-out, oscillation; vibration
진동내구성           vibration durability
진동자 oscillator; vibrator
진원도               out-of-roundness
진원도               roundness
진원도                circularity
진직도               straightness
진특성 original characteristic
진폭                  amplitude
진한 conc (concentrated)
진한질산 conc-nitric acid
질감(質感) texture
질량               mass
질량수                mass number
질량효과               mass effect
질산             nitric acid
질소               nitrogen
질화             nitriding
질화강             nitriding steel
질화규소세라믹        silicon nitride ceramics
질화물(窒化物) nitride
질화법            nitriding
집광렌즈 condenser
집성목 Finger Jointed Edge Glued panel 
집수정(集水井) collecting well
집적회로; 웨이퍼 wafer
집진               dust and mist collection
집진기(集塵器) cyclone
찌부러짐특성            deflation characteristics
차광판 douser
차동장치            differential
차량                 car
차량외부돌출 vehicle external projection
차량전자 vetronics
차량탑재상태         vehicle condition
차륜                wheel
차실외돌기          vehicle external projection
차양(챙) awning
차음             sound interception
차종 model
차종 vehicle grade
차종 vehicle type
차종상이표 list of difference in model
차체             car body
차체              body
차폐                 shielding; screening
차폐성                shielding property
차프피치              tough pitch
착색              coloring
착탈성            attachment and detachment
착화점            ignition point
착화지연             ignition lag
참고기준             reference standard
참고치수            reference dimension
채번규칙              numbering rule
책임구 responsible dept.
책임자 the person in charge
처리                  treatment
처짐             sagging
처짐              slack
처짐               slack
처짐                  sag
처짐각               angle of deflection
처짐변화량선도 deflection change curve
척도             scale
천공               piercing
천연고무 natural rubber
천이온도             transition temperature
천이크리프              transient creep
천평 balance
철계소결합금 ferro-sintered alloy
철도용지(用地), 선로부지, 통행우선권 right of way, right-of-way
철분               iron powder
철심               iron core
철탑 steel tower
첨가제 additive fluid
첫머리점              initial point
청동                  bronze
청산(가스) hydrocyanic acid (gas)
청정도                cleanliness
청정도                pureness
청정분산성 detergent property
청화금 postassium gold cyanide
체가감진동내구       sweep vibration durability
체결                 tightening
체결나사          fastening screw
체결부의 헐거움       connecting part loosening
체결상태           attaching condition
체결토크               tightening torque
체적비              volume ratio
체적저항률           volumetric resistance
체적팽창            volume expansion
체적팽창계수           cubical expansion coefficient
체적효율            volumetric efficiency
초공동(超空洞) super cavitation (opp: 자연공동)
초기유동관리 early warning system
초기크리프              primary creep
초기품 initial sample,initial parts
초물 first parts
초박막 차폐성           super-thin-wall
초산(醋酸) acetic acid
초산(硝酸); 질산 nitric acid
초산나트륨 sodium acetate 
초산비닐수지            (poly)vinyl acetate
초산섬유(소) cellulose acetate
초산염 acetate (salt of acid)
초산용액 acetum
초압               initial pressure
초음파                ultrasonic wave
초음파 세척          supersonic cleaning
초전도              superconductivity
초전특성 superconductive property
초합금봉 super alloy bar
촉매                catalyst
촉진내진성              accelerative weaterability
촉침               stylus
촉침                stylus
촉침식              stylus method
총고무(식) general type
총무게               gross total weight
최대               maximum, max.
최대증폭         maximum amplitude
최소               minimum, min.
최소틈새 minimum clearance
최소허용표본         minimum acceptable sample
최전축지름             diameter of revolution shaft
최초공정 initial process
추(연직추) plumb
추가번호              sequential number
추력판             thrust plate
추진매뉴얼 promotion manual
추진제                propellant
추출                  extraction
추출량               extraction amount
축(선)                  axis
축관 axial pipe
축관기 end-forming machine
축력                 axial force
축류 펌프 axial-flow pump
축선                axial line
축직선              axial straight line
출구 outlet
출도               release
출도도면            released drawing
출력전압              output voltage
출문 exiting clearance
출장관리검사 dispatch inspection
출하                 shipment
출하검사 PDI (pre-delivery inspection)
출하시 설정 Adjusted at the factory.
출하정지 suspension of outgoing
출하차 out-going vehicle
충격 취성 시험        impact brittleness test
충격강도            impact strength
충격전류 impulse current
충격시험             impact test
충격시험             percussion test
충격탄성시험            impact elastic tate
충격형             diriving die
충돌             collision
충실도              fidelity
충전제; 필러 filler
취기성            stink
취득자료              obtained data
취부               attached
취부               attachment
취부구               fixing implement
취부성                attaching
취성              brittleness
취성                fragility
취성온도             brittleness temperature
취성온도              brittleness temperature
취성파괴              brittle fracture
취출방향             the direction of wire extension
취출방향               the direction of wire extension
취화                 brittleness
취화온도 brittleness temperature
측정개소 measuring spot
측정개소              measurement points
측정기               measuring instrument
측정기기 measuring device





출처 : 유비쿼터스 포유
글쓴이 : Genie 원글보기
메모 :

'정보테크 > 용어사전' 카테고리의 다른 글

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