
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 9

명호경영컨설턴트 2010. 2. 23. 08:51

비도통단자          non-conductive terminal
비동작 부품         motionless part
비등점; 비점        boiling point
비례한도         proportional limit
비산                 splash
비상밸브           emergency valve 
비석면 타입         non-asbestos type
비선형계         nonlinear system
비선형복원력        nonlinear restoring force
비선형스프링        nonlinear spring
비선형진동           nonlinear vibration
비술사               consultant engineer
비스코시티         viscocity
비열             specific heat
비자성주철           nonmagnetic cast iron
비점화              non-ignition
비중 specific gravity
비중 specific gravity
비중                gravity
비중                specific gravity
비중                    specific gravity
비철금속         nonferrous metal
비커; 비이커 beaker
비커스             vikers
비커스경도        vickers hardness
비커스경도           vickers hardness
비커스경도시험기 vickers hardness tester
비탄성             unelastic
비탈탄부         nondecarburized part
비탈탄부            nondecarburized part
비틀다               twist
비틀림 tortional
비틀림           torsion
비틀림             twist
비틀림각            angle of torsion
비틀림강도         torsional strength
비틀림강도         torsional strength
비틀림강성 torsional stiffness
비틀림모먼트        torsional moment
비틀림스프링        torsion spring
비틀림시험            torsion test
비틀림시험기        torsion tester
비틀림응력       torsional stress
비틀림진동         torsional vibration
비틀림피로한도        fatigue limit of torsion
비파괴시험 N.D.T (Non-Destructive Test)
비피복 용접         bare welding
빗물받이형          rain rail type
빠져나옴         coming off
빠짐             coming-out
빼기 각도           draft angle
삐걱거림         creak
사각너트         square nuts
사각봉              sguar bars
사급품 customer supplied product
사다리꼴          trapezoid
사다리꼴나사        trapezoidal thread
사류             diagonal
사륜구동         four wheel drive
사면               incline
사변셩 프리즘         quadrangular prism
사상              finished
사선 diagonal
사선               oblique line
사속도             acceleration
사양                specification
사양구분표 table of specification
사양변경         alteration of speciication
사양서               specification (drawing)
사용법             usage
사용압력              working pressure
사용자               user
사이브리드복합재료 hybrid composites
사전출도            preliminary release
사출              injection
사출 용접부            projecting welded part
사출성 shootability
사출성                injectability
사출성형            injection molding
사출성형기            injection molder
사하중              dead load
사행정사이클           four-stroke cycle
사형              sand mold
사형주물              sand mold
사형주조             sand casting
사후관리 post management
사후보전(事後保全); 사후정비(事後整備) breakdown maintenance
사후처리              after treatment
산가                acid value
산도 acidity
산란                 scattering
산란특성 scattering characteristics
산업 폐기물 처리업 dumping business
산성강               acid steel
산성화 acidification
산세(酸洗)              acid cleaning; pickling
산세가공 acid cleaning process
산세척              pickling
산소                oxygen
산소결핍증; (病)질식;가사(假死) Asphyxia
산소수소용접           oxyhydrogen welding
산술평균             arithmetic mean
산출방법             calculating method
산포 distribution
산화방지제           antioxidant
산화은 silver oxide
산화피막             oxidation film
살수                 sprinkling water
삼각기둥           triangular pillar
삼각나사            triangular thread
삼각플라스크 conical flask (cone-shaped : 원추형의)
삼상교류(三相交流) three phase current
삼차원응력           three dimensional stress
삽입강도           insert strength
삽입물               insert
상간리드 leads between phases (Don’t step on leads between phases of a cast resin transformer.)
상대변위량 relative displacement
상대부품            other parts
상대속도           relative velocity
상대습도 relative humidity
상대습도           relative humidity
상대압           relative pressure
상도 top coat
상도차 phase difference
상면                 top surface
상부구조 superstructure (understructure: 하부구조)
상부몰딩               upper molding
상분리               phase separation
상사점               upper dead point
상사점간극           top clearance
상세 detail
상세도 detail drawing
상수                 constant
상온               normal temperature
상온; 실온              room temperature
상용나사              ordinary thread
상용차 commercial car
상용차 freight car
상전이 phase transition
상하               longitudinal
상한(象限)              quadrant (4상한: 4-quadrand)
상한값                 upper limit value
상한전위계 quadrand electrometer
상향력 upward force
새김눈                nick
새다; 스며들다(공기, 물, 빛, 가스등이) leak (room with windows where warm light leaks into)
색도(色度) chromaticity
색상규격판            color standard plate
색상인식             color identification
색유리 colored glass; stained glass
색지시            color indications
샘플링              sampling
색상, 색조                  hue
생가죽; 생피 pelt
생력화           labor saving
생석회(CaO) quicklime; lime; calcium oxide
생변부품 production method-changed parts
생분해성 육묘 biodegradable rasing seeding
생분해성 일회용 용기 biodegradable disposable vessel
생붕괴성 bio-disintegrable (化, 붕괴-disintegration)
생사               greensand
생산기술 production engineering
생산물              product
생산방법변경 production method change
생산설비 production facilities
생산성 productivity
생산성              productivity
생산자             producer
생산활동 production activity
생성물             product
생크                shank
생활용품 living supplies; daily supplies
샤시다이너모미터 chassis dynamometer
샤워기 shower tap
샤프트               shaft
서냉              slow cooling
서냉                 slow-freezing / cooling
서냉                   slow-freezing / cooling
서로 수직인             normal to each other
서리방지도            frost resistance strength
서식 forms
서어지              surge
서지압력             surge pressure
서지탱크         surge tank
서출점            initial point
서출점             initial pint
석고 plaster
석고 plaster (시료를 프라스틱판에 붙이는 것)
석고주형               gypsum mold       
석면               asbestos
석면 타입            asbestos type
석영유리             quartz glass
석유기관             kerosene engine
석유제품 petroleum products
석출               precipitation
석출 경화계           precipition hardening
석출경화           precr pitation hardening
석탄                coal
선경               wire diameter
선단각             point angle
선단부 ∼ edge near or one free edge of ∼
선명도 distinction
선반               lathe
선번             wire no
선별 sampling
선삭가공           turning operations
선속도              linear velocity
선심식             wire core type
선심식              wire core
선운동              motion of translation
선의 윤곽도           Profile of line
선재              wire rod
선종                wire type
선지름             wire diameter
선철               pig iron
선택도             selectivity
선팽창계수           coefficient of linear expansion
선행제어             advanced control
선형; 노선설정 alignment(=평면선형: ground plan, profile = 종단선형, 종단면도)
선형계            linear system
선형봉              wire rods
선형의 linear (數 1차의)
선회               rotation
설계변경             engineering change
설계변경통보서 ECN (engineering change notice)
설계부               engineering  dept.
설계자                engineer                   
설계치            engineering  value
설계하중              design load
설명도면             explanatory  drawing
설명회 seminar
설번                engineering change No
설변(설계변경) design change
설변부품 design changed parts
설변통보서 design change dispatch
설치 funishing,installation,setup
설치                 installation
설치 상태            in car-mounted condition
설퍼프린트           sulfur print
섬유                 fiber
섬유강화금속          fiber reinforced metals
섭씨눈금             centigrade scale
성능 performance
성능               performance
성능               performance
성능곡선             performance curve
성능시험             performance test
성분                component           
성상                condition
성크머리리벳          sunk head rivet
성형                forming
성형된 형상             formed shape
성형비           forming ratio
성형시간             curing time          
성형작업                forming
세단                  sedan
세라믹               ceramic
세라믹스               ceramics
세라믹엔진            ceramic engine
세련된 디자인 stylish design
세레이션             serration
세로로              lengthwise
세로변형             longitudinal strain (= 伸縮率)
세로병용도면           vertical combined drawing
세로수차(收差) longitudinal aberration
세로쓰기            vertical writing
세로응력                longitudinal stress
세로전단            longitudinal shear
세로좌표           ordinate
세로탄성계수           modulus of longitudinal
세로홈               flute
세밀도             fineness
세정액 cleaning fluid
세제 detergent
세제                 cleansing
세척액             washer fluid
세탁기 washing machine
세탄가              cetane number
섹터              sector
센서               sensor
센서감도         sensor sensitivity
센터               center
셀린(生化: an amino acid) serine
셀프 록킹          self-locking
셀프록           self-locking
셀프태핑나사         self-tapping screw
소가죽 cowhide (돼지가죽: pig skin)
소결 sintered
소결기             sinering machine
소결단조법            sinter forging process
소결밀도 sintered density
소결재료               sintering material
소결함유베어링        sintered bearing
소결함유베어링         sintered oilless bearing
소결함유합금           sintered metal
소기구             scavenging port
소비전력           power consumption
소비전류             consumed current
소성가공           plastic working
소성변형 plastic deformation
소성피로            plastic strain fatigue
소성학                theory of plasticity
소성형                fired mold
소손 사고 burnout accident
소수점             decimal point
소음 noise
소음               noise
소음기             silencer
소음측정 noise measurement
소인주기             sweeping cycle
소인진동 sweep vibration
소입제 a small hole marking
소자(消磁)되다;~에서 자기(磁氣)를 없애다 demagnetize
소재, 원자재 law material
소지흠             flaw
소지흠              macro streak flaw
소지흠               macro-streak-flaw
소켓랜치용 소켓      sockets for socket wrenches
소켓렌치용 소켓    sockets for socket wrenches
소킹                soaking
소포제; 유상액(乳狀液) emulsion
소품 props, (무대의)properties
소형 고효율변압기 compacted & high efficiency transformer
속도             velocity
속도계               speedometer        
속도계수               speed factor
속도변환               speed change
속도비            velocity ratio
손다듬질             hand finishing
손대패               hand plane
손실                loss
손실계수           loss coefficient
손잡이(문, 서랍등),           knob : (라디오, TV등)노브, (돌리는)스위치
솔레노이드            solenoid
송출관               pressure pipe
송출압력            delivery pressure
송풍                blast
송풍기           air fan
송풍기            blower
쇄기인장강도          wedge tensile strength
쇄상분자 tread-like molecule (=  狀分子)
쇄상탄화수소 chain hydrocarbon (鎖狀炭化水素)
쇄석                 crushed stone
쇄석기           stone crusher
쇄선(鎖線) chain line
쇠가시              burr : 거친숫돌; (치과 의사의) 절삭도구, 규석(硅石)
쇠심 steel core
쇼어경도             shore hardness
쇽어브소버            shock absorber
숏피닝              shot peening
수나사              external thread
수나사 부품         external threaded fasteners
수납상태             wholly retracted state
수납장 closet 
수냉구리판            water-cooled copper plate
수도직결식(배관업계용어) direct-connected type with city line
수동변속기           manual transmission
수동브레이크           manual brake
수두              water head
수력                hydraulic            
수력[화력]발전기 hydro [thermal] generato
수륙양용자동차        amphibious vehicle
수면계(水面計)         glass water gauge; water gauge
수명주기            life cycle
수밀              watertight
수밀격벽            watertight bulkhead
수밀성              water tightness
수배도 advance drawing
수산화나트륨          sodium hydroxide
수산화바륨 barium hydroxide
수산화칼슘; 소석회 calcium hydroxide
수산화칼륨 potassium hydroxide
수성가스 water gas
수소              hydrogen
수소취화             hydrogen embrittlement
수신주파수           receiving frequency
수압 water pressure
수압                hydraulic pressure
수압면적 hydraulic pressure area
수온계 water temperature gauge
수율 yield rate
수은              mercury
수입검사 incoming inspection
수입검사기준서 incoming inspection standard
수전반(受電盤) incoming panel
수정               correction
수정사             quarts sand
수정진동자(水晶振動子) quartz crystal oscillator, quartz vibrator
수정품 repaired part
수준기 calibrator
수준기 level,level vial
수지 resin
수지               resin
수지상 결정            dendrite
수직              perpendicular
수직관              vertical pipe
수직력             normal force
수직주파수 vertical frequency
수직피치오차          normal pitch error
수직하중             normal load
수질오염               water pollution
수축             shrinkage
수축                contraction         
수축계수           coefficient of contraction
수축관             center pipe
수축여유             shrinkage allowance
수축율               shrinkage rate
수축응력             shrinkage stress
수축판 center pipe
수축하다             shrink
수출율 contraction rate
수평              horizontal
수평면           horizontal plane
수평주파수 horizontal frequency
수평축             horizontal axis
수평화격자           horizontal grate
수화물(水化物) hydrates
순간압력저감장치 sudden pressure relief device
순간온수기 instantaneous water heater 
순간최저속도           instantaneous minimum speed
순서도(흐름도)           flowchart
순정부동액 genuine blade
순정품             genuine part
순환액 circulating fluid
순회검사 patrol inspection
술고리 (장식); 태슬 tassel
쉘형주물             shell mold
쉴드선           shield cable
스냅링              snap ring
스러스트계수        thrust factor
스러스트베어링         thrust bearing
스러스트볼베어링 thrust ball bearing
스러스트정수         thrust coefficient
스위치차단시험        switch cut-off test
스크럿치             scratch
스태빌라이저           stabilizer
스탬핑             stamping
스터드 모울트        stud bolt
스테이             stay
스테이볼트            stay bolt
스테인레스강           stainless steel
스티렌-부타디엔고무 styrene-butadiene rubber
스티로폼 (포장재로 쓰이는 발포스티로폴재) Styrofoam
스티어링         steering
스티치              stitch
스틱슬립 stick-slip
스패너            spanners
스패너             spanners
스폿              spot
스폿페이싱바이트 spot facing tool
스프링강             spring steel
스프링너트           spring nut
스프링와셔           spring washer
스프링용량           spring capacity
스프링정수           spring constant
스프링핀            spring pin
스플라인                spline
스플라인축           spline shaft
스피드링         speed ring
슬러그             slug
슬러지             sludge
습도계               hygrometer       
습동성            sliding characteristics
습동저항            sliding resistance
습식법              wet-on type
습열노화시험 aging by humid heat test
습윤 moistness
습윤상 humidity tester
승무원 crew
승용차 passenger car
승인 approval, confirm!ation
승인도 supplier drawing
승차감 ride and handling
시그먼트             segment
시동기             starter
시동발동기             starting engine
시동장치            starting system
시동토크            starting torque
시료              sample, specimen
시료발췌 sample selection
시뮬레이터           simulation
시스틴(生化) cysteine
시야수 the number of visual fields
시약             reagent
시운전 start-up
시인범위         simulator
시인범위            visual range
시인성             visibility
시작 building of prototype
시작             prototype
시작               visual range
시작차 prototype
시작차               prototype car
시정수              time constant
시차별로 by the time differences
시편의 상태 조절 conditioning of fest pieces
시험                testing
시험관 test tube



출처 : 유비쿼터스 포유
글쓴이 : Genie 원글보기
메모 :

'정보테크 > 용어사전' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 1  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 2  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 10  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 11  (0) 2010.02.23
[스크랩] 자동차 용어 - 12  (0) 2010.02.23